Saturday, February 20, 2010


Why….oh why….are children (or my boys!) so damn picky! I cook for my family every night; real home cooked meals just to have them throw out and frowned upon. My oldest who is 7 has to be one of the pickiest eaters I have ever met, he does have severe food allergies but I feel like it still isn’t justified there are still tons of foods he could and would enjoy! All I am asking is for them to take ONE bite, I am not even forcing them to finish their plates off like I had to do when I was younger….I have no idea what to do!??! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I feel horrible when he doesn’t eat anything…I am Italian and it just isn’t normal for someone not to eat dinner. I am feeling like a short order cook, my doctor said if he chooses not to eat to give him a bowl of cereal and that would get old. My kids love cereal (Life, Kix, Cheerios) so no it hasn’t gotten old I think he is totally happy with that as an option. I am hoping someone out there that may read this has been stuck in this position and maybe it has worked for you….do they finally give in and eat? What to do…who knew this would be so hard! I couldn’t wait to cook for my family some day and now that I can they don’t want any part of it! I am going to start posting some of my favorite recipes in hopes that perhaps your families/children will enjoy them! Thank goodness my husband loves to eat!!

I am happy to get back into the normal routine on Monday. We had a wonderful vacation but I am eager to get back to the groove.  Tonight we have a date excited I think I am craving some P.F.Changs!  YUMMY

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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