Saturday, October 10, 2009


These words in themselves can be scary for anyone…whether you’re a mom, wife or just trying to get through work every day. I feel I battle “balance” every day! I think I need more hours in a day to get everything done and perhaps if there was another avenue rather than redbull to give me my “wings” each day. I had no idea before I had kids how crazy a day can be; how many things you have to get done and juggle in one day…sometimes I like to sit and laugh at how crazy I thought my life was before…now looking back it looks so easy! Some days I feel like I need to wear a black and white strip shirt just to hang with the boys…they are in that mode just to argue and fight over that one toy I “referee” all day I feel like sometimes; I feel like someone should have put that shirt in my baby bag.

Perhaps it isn’t balance that is my biggest hurdle, maybe it is just time management. I have this HUGE project that is screaming my name…cleaning and organizing my office and workspace which is in my basement. I feel like a tornado has occurred down there and it is a scary place, overwhelming to say the least! It is defiantly a job I need to tackle when I have no kids around, hoping tomorrow will be the day since the in-laws are taking the boys to the zoo. I will post some pictures once it is done…wish me luck and let’s hope I don’t get eaten alive by the crap that is down there. I think it has gotten so bad since no one ever goes down there but us, it isn’t like it is on one of the main floors of the house that people see all the time where if it was it would never look like this because I would be forced to keep it clean. I am also starting to feel bad for the poor trash men that will be coming to my house next week I don’t think it is going to be pretty =)