Saturday, December 3, 2011

Special Saturday....little things =)

Just a “regular” family weekend....
Normally my husband has to work every weekend, very rarely gets a Saturday off I think I can count them on my hands how many he has had over the past 13 years.  We do get 1 sometimes 2 Sundays a month...this weekend however, we were given the gift of a Saturday!!  Whoo Whoo and it so happens to be his Sunday off as well so it is an actual weekend.  I treasure these so much as corny as it may sound, but for this weekend we get to be a “normal” family and hang out together, get stuff done around the house hang out at night it was amazing!  We didn’t even do much today except catch up on stuff around the house and the kids enjoyed the beautiful weather outside but it was nice having him around on a Saturday =)
As I sit here in the family room, that is lightly lit up by the Christmas tree it makes me so thankful for all that I have, my wonderful family, friends, and many other blessings.  Love this time of year!  People probably laugh that I love to sit by my Christmas tree considering I take it down on December 26th every year =)  HA I am shocked at how quick the kids are growing, each day is a new silly memory on this journey we are on it is crazy to me!  I am shocked that Rylee is already 6 months old...holy crap where has the time gone!  She is loving her veggies! What a good girl =)  She didn’t love her apples today but I am sure in time she will.  She is doing great and I have to say it is so touching to see the boys with her, they truly adore her and I am even more thrilled that Christopher gets to experience having a daughter.  She has been such a blessing to our home and I feel really made our family complete.  Sometimes, you think you have everything that you need in life and then poof god throws you a curveball and proves he knew better =)  Okay well that is enough babbling for one day..have a great night!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Art of "Boo-ing" =)

Tonight we did one of our traditions we “boo’ed” our friends.  It is always a fun time with the boys, they get dressed up as does Chris my husband and we ring our friends doorbells and leave the bag of goodies and make a run for it.  I am always the driver of our getaway car and we always have a lot of laughs and make a lot of memories.  This year was different because we had Rylee “boo-ing” as well!  She did great...slept through the whole thing!  Made me thinking though of next year, she will be joining in on the fun as well I am sure.  It is moments like these that make me so thankful to be a mom seeing the joy in their faces, the sound of their laughter make it all worth while.  It is fun creating these memories that will be with them forever, and creating traditions that they can pass on to their children someday.
Can’t believe that Halloween is only a few days away time is flying by for sure!! Can’t wait to trick-or-treat with my little vampire, dementor and lady bug this year...though I could do without the snow we are suppose to get tomorrow =) 

Happy Halloween hope you get “boo-ed” !